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Signature Candle
Signature Candle
Signature Candle
Signature Candle
Signature Candle
Signature Candle
Signature Candle
Signature Candle
Signature Candle
Signature Candle
Signature Candle
Signature Candle

Signature Candle


Trapp luxury candles are among the most fragrant candles on the market, guaranteed to fill a room with fragrance. Our orange vanilla scented 7 oz. poured candles are poured in a white glass vessel, burn for up to 50 hours and come packaged in a gift-worthy box. Soy wax blend burns cleaner to enhance your fragrance experience.

More than any other piece of home decor, a candle is a sign of life. If a candle is lit, that means someone is home. With ingredients sourced from the highest-quality botanicals, Trapp products are filled with more fragrance than anything else on the shelf.

• 7 ounce soy wax blend candle
• Approximate burn time of 50 hours
• Candle comes packaged in a gift-worthy box
• Guaranteed to fill your room with fragrance